Accountant Aged Care Allied Health Andrew Bragg Annuity Apps Asic Asset Finance Asset Planning Asset Protection Asset Protection Strategies Assets Assets and Risks Ato Auction Audit Insurance Australian House Market Report Baby Bonus Bas Binding Death Benefit Nominations Binding Financial Agreement Binding Financial Agreements Body Corporate Bonds Borrowing Brexit Budget Budgeting Business Business Registrations Business Support Business Tax Deduction Business Value Capital Gains Tax Capital Gains Tax: Will Capital Protection Catherine Frost Cgt Checklists Commercial Loans Commercial Property Company Tax Concessional Superannuation Contribution Corporate Trustee Cryptocurrency Darren Foster Debt Debtors Deceased Estate Depreciation Dereen Wallace Director Director Id Divorce Economic Update Economy Emily Kermac Employees Estate Planning Executor Fbt Federal Budget Federal Election Finance Finances Financial Advice Financial Plan Financial Update Franking Credits Government Grants Gst Holiday House Home Office Hybrid Unit Trust Individual Ownership Insolvency Insurance Insurance In Super Interest Rates Investment Investment Loan Investment Loans Investment Property Investments Janet Kohan Jobkeeper Jobmaker Joint Ownership Ken Burk Land Tax Lending Life Insurance Linda Hamilton Loan Repayments Loans Lvr Margin Loans Margin Scheme Market Update Medical Expenses Mortgage Mortgage Broker Mortgage Broking Mygov Negative Gearing Offset Account Overseas Gifts Parental Leave Paris Financial Pat Mannix Payg Payg Variation Pension Practice Valuations Private Wealth Property Property Development Rebecca Mackie Record Keeping Redraw Facility Refinance Renovating Research & Development Retirement Retirement Planning Retirement Savings Salary Sacrifice Scams Self Managed Superannuation Self Managed Superannuation Fund Seminar Shares Small Business Smsf Smsf Borrowing Smsf Property Smsf Self Managed Superannuation Fund Steve Golding Steve Wildes Strategic Business Structuring Structures Subdividing Property Succession Plan Superannuation Superannuation Fund Tanya Hofbauer Tax Tax Benefits for Super Tax Concession Tax Deduction Tax Investment Property Tax Losses Tax Offset Tax Planning Tax Savings Tax-Free Temporary Full Expensing Tenants in Common Tessa Testamentary Trusts Tfe Training Transition to Retirement Trust Trusts Ttr Will Working from Home


ATO property data match could affect honest owners

Late last year the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) announced its intention to acquire details of property transactions dating back to September 20, 1985. Yep, 1985! The scope and amount of information they are requesting is gigantic!

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ATO property data match could affect honest owners
( Posted in: Investment Property )

Investing in Commercial - API Article

Most property investors are comfortable with residential property, having owned or rented themselves, but commercial property investment can be a little more daunting. The main reason for this is that there are so many additional factors to consider, such as GST, complicated leases and who’s responsible for the outgoings (expenses) for the property.

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Investing in Commercial - API Article
( Posted in: Investment Property )

Trusting Tax - API Article

Trusts have been around for centuries, since the days of knights and round tables and have played many different roles over the years. They can prove an integral tool in your investment and business journey, if used correctly.

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Trusting Tax - API Article
( Posted in: Investment Property )

Tax implications of renovating for profit - API Article

We’re regularly asked about the tax consequences of renovating to sell for a profit and the answers and issues that may arise often surprise clients. Here’s some information on renovating for profit and the significance of substantial renovations.

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Tax implications of renovating for profit - API Article
( Posted in: Investment Property )

Taxing Developments - API Article

In recent months I’ve had a number of conversations with clients who are building new residential properties, a couple intending to keep the property and rent it out and some intending to sell for a profit. When I informed these clients of the potential tax implications of selling, they were ...

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( Posted in: Investment Property )

Land Tax - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - API Article

When you buy your first (or even second) investment property, land tax is likely the last thing on your mind. Even less likely if you’re buying a new family home and have decided to keep the old one and rent it out. With land tax rates skyrocketing in some states over recent years, this can be a nasty surprise.

Land tax is imposed by all state and territory governments in Australia, except for the Northern Territory. It’s based on the cumulative value of all unimproved land that you own, other than .....

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( Posted in: Investment Property )

The Tax Implications of Subdividing your Backyard - API Article

Subdividing your PPOR (principal place of residence) is a strategy we often get asked about. If you’re thinking about going down this path, there’s a lot to consider before making your decision.

There are many different strategies with different outcomes, depending on whether you’re planning to sell the part with the house, or the vacant land, or build and move in, build and rent out or .....

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( Posted in: Tax )

Good news for over 60's

Legislation has recently been passed to increase the Concessional Superannuation Contribution cap for workers over 60 from $25,000 to $35,000.

If you fall into this ....

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( Posted in: Superannuation )